Lifelike Personalized Portraits
Guaranteed Portraits only hires the top professional artists to create our custom oil portraits. Our talented painters will turn your favourite photos into lifelike personalized portraits!
Our Portrait Galleries

One Portrait From Two Photos
Our professional portrait artists can also incorporate two or more pictures into one unique oil portrait. If you have 2 photos you would like us to use, send them to us with the necessary instructions. Our portrait painters will begin to paint a portrait from your photos that seamlessly integrates both pictures.
When selecting each photo, you need to ensure the images are compatible and will integrate well. Please keep in mind the following elements:
- The frame of the individual: If one photo is taken of a person’s face and the other is a full-body shot, our portrait artists would have to join both pictures into a portrait that includes only the person’s face.
- The direction a person is looking: When you select your photos, visualize both images combined into one oil portrait; decide if the direction the people are looking appears natural.
- The corporal position of the individual: If a person is lying down in one photo and standing in the other, or a person is looking forward in one photo and looking sideways in another, the resulting oil portrait will look unnatural when combined.
- The type of clothing the individual is wearing: If a person is wearing only a shirt in one photo and a coat and scarf in the other, the joined portrait will appear very unnatural. In addition, if a woman is wearing a long dress and a man is wearing a t-shirt, the joined portrait will also appear unnatural.
- The perspective of the photo: If a person is photographed from an angle in one shot and at eye level in another, the combined oil portrait won’t look right.
In the oil portrait, we will balance the light and shade from both photos so they seem natural. However, we are unable to work with aspects we can’t see or ones that aren’t obvious. When you select the photos you want our portrait artists to combine, visualize both photos in the same portrait. If you believe they will combine well together, you can go ahead and select those particular photos.
Now we’re going to show you an example. This will enable you to see the step-by-step process our portrait artists use to join two compatible pictures into a unique oil portrait.
First you can see the two compatible photos. Both photos are taken from a similar angle and perspective. The individuals are also looking in the same direction and wearing similar clothing. All of these aspects help the portrait being painted from the two photos appear natural. With these photos, your input and some additional work on our part, our professional portrait artists can create a portrait that will look very natural.
This is the end result after we join two different photos into a single oil portrait. This photo will be used as a starting point to paint the joined portrait. You will notice that the photo of the girl has been turned slightly to one side in order to integrate both images more effectively. At this point, the color of the face of both children differs since the light of both pictures was different. Due to the framing of the original photo, the child appears slightly cut on both sides. These aspects will be corrected in the final portrait. Finally, we removed the girl’s hands from the photo. By changing the orientation of the girl’s face, we have also corrected her hair so that it appears to fall more naturally. We have also found an appropriate background for the oil portrait.
The final professional portrait is completely integrated. It’s hard to imagine that both children appeared in different photos originally.
If you want to join two or more photos into a unique portrait, take your time to search for photo that would look well together.